Favorite Poems by Christina Joy Hommes

He’ll Safely Guide Me
He’ll Safely Guide Me
The future’s bright before me –
It’s in my Father’s hand,
And He will safely guide me
To heaven’s happy land.
Through storms and in valleys,
Where gentle waters flow,
My Shepherd leads me homeward
Through paths where I should go.
Through days of busy service
And nights where I must rest,
My Master always keeps me
And does whatever’s best.
And so, neath cloud and sunshine,
With joy I trust His way,
For Jesus will receive me
To heaven’s endless day.
Christina Joy Hommes

A Taste of Heaven
A Taste of Heaven
Oh, when I’ve had a single taste
Of joy deep in my soul,
Of peace this world can never give
And hope that makes me whole,
When for a moment I have seen
The beauty of the Lord,
Or tasted that the Lord is good
And glimpsed His great reward,
When I have known the Spirit’s strength,
The Father’s comfort sweet,
The calm assurance Christ can give
When faith and patience meet,
When I have felt the deep content
That satisfies within,
The freedom that salvation gives
From once-appealing sin,
When I have sensed God’s presence near
Through troubles and in pain,
And found the grace that’s new each day
Which nothing can explain,
When I have these my life is changed –
There’s nothing better here
Than learning more and more of Christ
And knowing He is near.
Christina Joy Hommes

Finding Joy
Finding Joy
If, when you’ve lost your joy, you say,
“But here’s the reason why.”
You’ll always have a new excuse
That you can then apply.
Today it’s what a loved one did,
Tomorrow it’s a fear,
The next day something else will break –
More troubles will appear.
Then if you wait to have true joy
Till everything goes right,
You’ll wait until you’ve reached the land
Of perfect peace and light.
But Jesus said, “I’ve said these things
So you can have my joy –
A joy that will remain in you
Which nothing can destroy.”
The Spirit gives true joy to those
He works to sanctify;
The Father gives us joy in hope
Which earthly things can’t buy.
God offers joy that’s full and sweet,
Abounding day by day,
Untouched by every circumstance
That meets us in the way.
So, if you find you have no joy,
Don’t look for reasons why,
Instead look up to God the Lord
And draw from His supply.
Christina Joy Hommes
“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.” John 15:11
“But the fruit of the Spirit is…joy.” Galatians 5:22-23
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.” Romans 15:13

If God Had Led the Easy Way
If God Had Led the Easy Way
If God had led the easy way
Which I had thought was best,
I wouldn’t be right here today
And wouldn’t be so blest.
If God had led the easy way
I would have never found
The depths of trust that leans on Him
And nothing else around.
If God had led the easy way
I would have gone astray –
My plans and dreams would not have brought
The joy I have today.
If God had led the easy way
I wouldn’t know my need
To daily lean upon His strength
And from myself be freed.
If God had led the easy way
That looked so good to me,
He only knows what troubles lay
Beyond what I could see.
Lord, thank you for the perfect way
That You have planned in love
So I can learn to walk with You
And reach my home above.
Christina Joy Hommes

Refreshment for the Soul
Refreshment for the Soul
Where can I go to be renewed,
Refreshed within my soul?
Where can I go for healing strength
That makes my spirit whole?
Where can I find true hope and joy
And purpose for each day?
Where can I find real peace and rest
Along life’s homeward way?
I go to Christ, my God and Friend,
And find His strength and grace.
For He’s the One I’m living for –
My hope and hiding place.
Yes, He’s my refuge strong and sure,
I run to Him and find
His peace and joy refresh my soul
For He’s so good and kind.
Christina Joy Hommes
“The name of the LORD is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.” Proverbs 18:10
Whatever you’re going through today, may you seek the Lord and find refreshment for your soul in Him.
This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

I’ll Praise My God
I’ll Praise My God
I’ll praise my God for what He’s done,
I’ll praise Him for His gift of love
In giving me His precious Son.
What He has been I know He’ll be –
The God of all eternity
Who changes not because He is
Perfection in entirety.
My words can’t say, my voice can’t sing,
My mind can’t think, my heart can’t feel
Enough to praise as He deserves.
In awe and love I humbly kneel –
There is no other God but You,
The standard of all good and right;
Your love and mercy have no end
Like You the God of perfect light.
Christina Joy Hommes

Psalm 105:1-4
Psalm 105:1-4
Oh let us thank the Lord
For all the things He’s done
And who He is – the mighty God
Who is compared to none.
Sing praises to His Name
And tell His mighty deeds
That all may hear His wondrous works
And how He kindly leads.
Rejoice in who He is
And glorify His Name –
The God of strength and love and truth
Forevermore the same.
Be glad and seek the Lord,
Search out His works of might;
With all your strength now seek His face
And sing in your delight.
Christina Joy Hommes

Let’s Begin the Praise
Let’s Begin the Praise
God doesn’t always answer
The questions that we ask
Or give an explanation
When He assigns a task,
But this is not a reason
To doubt His loving hand
Or think He’s not controlling
What we don’t understand.
His thoughts are far above us –
We cannot comprehend
The wisdom of His choices
And so our hearts must bend
In humble, grateful worship
That trusts His heart and way
Both when we see His reasons
And when the clouds are grey.
If we will stop and ponder
The things He’s done before,
Some things that were confusing
Are things we’re thankful for.
Just think if we can see that
With finite mind and sight
What marvels will be opened
In heaven’s perfect light!
When God returns no answer
Explaining what He does,
Don’t doubt that prayer’s effective –
We know it is, because
In past days He has answered
Our prayers and still today
He hears and grants petitions
Though sometimes not our way.
His ways are grand and perfect,
His wisdom hung the stars,
He made the way to save us,
And made His blessings ours.
Let’s trust His tender mercies,
His judgments, and His ways –
Someday we’ll understand Him
So let’s begin the praise.
Christina Joy Hommes

It Wasn’t Me, I Died
It Wasn’t Me, I Died
It wasn’t me who went today
To show God’s love to you,
I died with Christ – He lives in me –
His life is shining through.
It wasn’t me who spoke that word
Of gospel hope and peace,
I died with Christ – He lives in me –
O, may His praise increase!
It wasn’t me who brought you through
That painful night of fear,
I died with Christ – He lives in me –
Lord, keep the pathway clear.
I cannot glory in results
Or sulk when no one sees,
I died with Christ – He lives in me –
Lord, use me as You please.
Christina Joy Hommes

When Things Get Worse (Luke 21:28)
When Things Get Worse
Luke 21:28
The world is getting worse and worse
With wars and with disease,
With famine and ungodliness,
With wicked men at ease.
But don’t lose heart, instead look up
Because these signs make clear
That our redemption will be soon –
The day is drawing near.
So, though there’s darkness here rejoice,
And don’t give in to fear –
For Jesus said these times would come
Before He would appear.
Christina Joy Hommes
“And when these things begin to come to pass,
then look up, and lift up your heads;
for your redemption draweth nigh.”
Luke 21:28