Christian Poems for Your Daily Life and Walk with God

Be encouraged and refreshed as you enjoy these inspirational Christian poems that uplift the soul. Whether you need strength to face the challenges of life or are praising the Lord for a season of blessing, God’s promises and the wisdom found in His Word will guide you and bring you true joy as you gain a fresh perspective on your relationship with God. These poems for the Christian life are a great way to share God’s love and provide hope and encouragement for others.

Oh, to Be Single-Hearted

Oh, to Be Single-Hearted

Oh, to Be Single-Hearted

Oh, to be single-hearted
Fully on fire for You
Caring what Jesus only
Thinks of the things I do

Oh, to have love consuming
All of my strength and soul
Yielding with glad abandon
Unto Your kind control

Oh, to be single-minded
Focused on Christ alone
Pure in both thought and motive
Making my Savior known

Oh, to know more of Jesus
Daily renewed by grace
Knowing Your will and living
Seeking to run my race

Oh, to be more like Jesus
Oh, to believe and be
Filled with Your Spirit’s power
All that You want for me

Christina Joy Hommes

The Simple Things

The Simple Things

The Simple Things

It’s sometimes just the simple things
That mean so much to me –
Their value lies in deeper worth
Than other folks can see.

They represent the precious things
The Lord has kindly done,
The ways He’s taught me of Himself
And battles He has won.

They help me think of special times
With those I dearly love,
Of moments spent alone with God
And blessings from above.

Each time I think of what they mean,
They bring a smile or tear –
They’re full of cherished memories
These simple things so dear.

Christina Joy Hommes

This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

Between the Cross and Sunday

Between the Cross and Sunday


Between the cross and Sunday
Were days of bitter gloom
To those who took Christ’s body
And laid it in a tomb,

Because they’d all forgotten
His promise He would rise
And see them three days later
When He’d secured the prize.

But Christ had not forgotten
Or let their unbelief
Distract Him from His purpose
Though they were lost in grief.

Before the dawn had broken
That Sunday, He arose
Our everlasting Savior
Who conquered all His foes.

Behold the risen Savior
With nail prints in His hands –
The tokens of His conquest
While glorified He stands.

Believe His saving promise
For He will keep His Word
Though everyone’s forgotten
The precious things they’ve heard.

Between the resurrection
And rapture let’s hold fast
His faithful words of promise
That He will come at last.

Christina Joy Hommes

O Lord Who Brought Your People Out

O Lord Who Brought Your People Out

O Lord who brought Your people out
With strong and mighty hand
From Egypt’s bondage through the sea
To Canaan’s fruitful land,

O Lord who brought Your people back
With true forgiving grace
From years of long captivity
To find their promised place,

O Lord who brought Your people life
With sacrificial love
From fear of death to living hope
Of endless years above,

O Lord who’ll bring Your people home
With joy and trumpet blast
From sin and pain set free to reign
In perfect peace at last,

O Lord of strength and grace and love
Whose glory fills the sky,
Direct our steps as in those days
To lift Your Name on high.

Christina Joy Hommes

It’s Not a Waste to Serve the Lord

It’s Not a Waste to Serve the Lord

It’s Not a Waste

It’s not a waste to give the Lord
The things He’s given you
To praise His Name and gain reward
That lasts when life is through.

It’s not a waste to serve the One
Who died so you can live,
To tell the glorious things He’s done
And use the strength He’ll give.

It’s not a waste to lay aside
The comforts, wealth, and friends
Of one short life that can’t abide
For one that never ends.

It’s not a waste to scorn the praise
Of those who scorn God’s Name,
To labor in unnoticed ways
That God will see and claim.

It’s not a waste to gladly die
For One who took your place
When heaven waits beyond the sky
For all who win life’s race.

It’s not a waste to go and tell
The way to live above
If one lost soul is saved from hell
And finds the Savior’s love.

It’s not a waste, so give it all
To Jesus while you may,
For soon you’ll hear that trumpet call
And earth will fade away.

Christina Joy Hommes

This poem is part of Summer for the Soul a 14-day spiritual “devo-cation” that will refresh and encourage your heart. Get a copy to read or share here

For All the Many Blessings

For All the Many Blessings

For All the Many Blessings

My heart is overflowing
With gratitude and love
For all the many blessings
You’ve sent me from above.

Forgiveness and salvation
Would be enough for me
Without a home in heaven
For all eternity.

Eternal life in heaven
Through Jesus Christ my Lord
Would be enough forever
Without His kind reward.

Rich treasures kept in glory
That cannot fade away
Would be enough, dear Savior,
Without sweet gifts today.

With all of these You’ve blessed me
And countless more each day –
They show Your loving kindness
And stir my heart to say:

Lord, thank You for Your mercy
So wide and deep and free –
My cup is running over
With all You’ve done for me.

Christina Joy Hommes

When My Soul Is Thirsty

When My Soul Is Thirsty

When My Soul Is Thirsty

Lord, when my soul is thirsty
I come to You and find
Your Word is like a fountain
Refreshing heart and mind.

Like water in the desert
It gives me hope and cheer,
Reviving and restoring
With truth so sweet and clear.

Revealing thoughts and motives
It cleanses me from sin
To make me pure and holy
So Christ can dwell within.

Through daily meditation
Your Word renews my soul
With comfort, joy, and healing
That make my spirit whole.

It makes me strong and fruitful
And brings me such delight;
I’ll daily seek the Scriptures
To live them day and night.

Christina Joy Hommes

I’ll Use What God Has Given

I’ll Use What God Has Given

I’ll Use What God Has Given

I’ll use the voice God gave me
To praise His holy Name,
I’ll use the tongue He gave me
To spread His worthy fame.

I’ll use the hands God gave me
To serve the Lord today,
I’ll use the feet He gave me
To walk in heaven’s way.

I’ll use the mind God gave me
To think on things above,
I’ll use the heart He gave me
To learn and share His love.

I’ll use the time God gave me
To do the tasks He’ll show,
I’ll use the things God gave me
To build His work below.

I’ll use the life God gave me
To love Him and obey,
I’ll use what God has given
To worship Him today.

Christina Joy Hommes

Help Me See the Gospel

Help Me See the Gospel

Help Me See the Gospel

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can love
The Savior who redeemed me
And waits for me above.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can win
The lost who need Your mercy
To save them from their sin.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can tell
The wonders of salvation
To those who love you well.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can rest
Through storms of life in Jesus
And learn to pass each test.

Lord, help me see the gospel
So clearly I can raise
A song of glad of thanksgiving
With joy and fervent praise.

Christina Joy Hommes

Do You Pray as if It Matters?

Do You Pray as if It Matters?

Do You Pray as if It Matters?

Do you pray as if it matters?
Do you pray as if God hears?
Do you trust it makes a difference
Now and in the coming years?

Do you ask for what you’re wanting?
Do you ask for what you need?
Do you trust God always hears you
When you come and humbly plead?

Do you tell Him what you’re thinking?
Do you tell Him like He cares?
Do you trust He wants to guide you
While your load He gladly bears?

Do you run to Him in trouble?
Do you run to Him with praise?
Do you trust His changeless promise
He’ll be near through all your days?

Christina Joy Hommes