Christian Poems for Your Daily Life and Walk with God

Be encouraged and refreshed as you enjoy these inspirational Christian poems that uplift the soul. Whether you need strength to face the challenges of life or are praising the Lord for a season of blessing, God’s promises and the wisdom found in His Word will guide you and bring you true joy as you gain a fresh perspective on your relationship with God. These poems for the Christian life are a great way to share God’s love and provide hope and encouragement for others.

Stirred Up

Stirred Up

Stirred Up

Lord, stir my soul from deep within,
Reveal what’s good and cleanse from sin;
Renew my soul to long for You
And hunger for the Scriptures, too.

Revive my spirit with Your grace
To daily run my Christian race,
To learn and do Your will for me
And serve You with humility.

Incline my mind and heart, I pray,
To seek the things above each day
That I might scorn the devil’s lies
And win with joy the lasting prize.

Restore my joy in what You’ve done
In giving us Your only Son;
Ignite a passion to declare
The gospel news with faith and prayer.

Awake my heart to sing Your praise
And worship You through all my days
That, by Your Spirit, Christ may shine
Forever through this life of mine.

Bring truth to mind and help me see
The goodness of Your love for me
That by Your grace my soul might be
Stirred up to live in victory.

Christina Joy Hommes


Let God Write the Story

Let God Write the Story

Let God Write the Story

So often as we walk through life
We want to know the ending;
We want to see it all work out
When things are just beginning.

But God most often doesn’t show
The map of where He’ll lead us;
He simply shows us day by day
The way to live for Jesus.

He knows the end, and that’s enough –
By faith we must believe it;
He’ll give us grace to get us through
If only we’ll receive it.

Like Joseph in the prison cell,
Like Esther – crowned but grieving,
Like John on Patmos, we can’t see
The wonders God is weaving.

So step by step we do God’s will
And let Him write the story,
Till someday, looking back, we see
His wisdom, love, and glory.

Christina Joy Hommes

The Gift of Song

The Gift of Song

The Gift of Song

You put Your song within our hearts
The day we came to You,
A song that echoes from above,
Well known yet ever new.

Your song gives voice to happy times –
A fountain of delight,
Expressing all our wordless joy
When things seem good and bright.

It brings us hope through troubled days
And comfort in the night;
Like healing balm it gives us life
And leads us to the light.

It makes the truth so real and clear
And guides our thoughts above,
Reminding us of faith and hope
And showing us Your love.

It brings us near to You, our God,
In worship, awe, and praise;
With songs and hymns we lift our voice
And sing Your wondrous ways.

It lifts our spirits, guides our lives,
And makes the wounded whole.
Lord, thank You for the gift of song –
The music of the soul.

Christina Joy Hommes

Lord, Give Me Words

Lord, Give Me Words

Lord, Give Me Words

Lord, give me words so I can praise
Your worthy Name, I pray,
For You are holy, good, and kind
And care for me each day.

Lord, give me words so I can lift
The weary soul to You,
For words can comfort, heal, revive
When gracious, kind, and true.

Lord, give me words so I can point
The lost to life above,
For Jesus died and rose again
To offer saving love.

Lord, set a watch before my mouth
So I will only say
The things that please and honor You
And bring You joy today.

Christina Joy Hommes

Just Take One Step

Just Take One Step

Just Take One Step

If you’ve wandered far away
Don’t know where to start today
Take one step

You don’t have to see ahead
Little actions conquer dread
Take one step

If you cannot see the light
Ask the Lord to guide you right
Take one step

Take the step you see right now
More will open up somehow
Take one step

When your strength and hope are gone
And you feel you can’t go on
Take one step

When your way is dark with fear
And your prospects seem unclear
Take one step

As you go you’ll surely find
God sends help because He’s kind
Take one step

Draw a little closer in
Just say no to one more sin
Take one step

Step by step you’re nearing home
From wherever you may roam
Take one step

Let God show you where to go
Trust His love as best you know
Take one step

Take the step that you can see
Oh, don’t wait to come be free
Take one step

Christina Joy Hommes

God Shares His Work with Us

God Shares His Work with Us

God Shares His Work with Us

The One who called to Lazarus
And told the dead “Come forth”
Could tell the stone to roll away
And shake the very earth.

But Jesus told the people there
To roll the stone away
So they could have a little part
In what He did that day.

And still the Savior shares His work
To make His goodness clear
So we can have a little part
In what He’s doing here.

Christina Joy Hommes

Pleasing God Today

Pleasing God Today

Pleasing God Today

God’s standard isn’t changing –
We never have to guess
Or wonder if He’s moving
The bar for righteousness.

His Word is everlasting,
The law of Christ is true,
His judgments can’t be altered
Whatever others do.

His goodness never wavers,
His mercy never ends,
His holiness is steadfast,
His justice never bends.

So we can seek and serve Him
With confidence each day
That what He said will please Him
Still pleases Him today.

Christina Joy Hommes

Free to Live as Victors

Free to Live as Victors

Free to Live as Victors

These my people are forgiven
All their sins are washed away;
With my blood I bought their pardon,
Now there’s nothing more to pay.

All their guilt and condemnation,
All the wrath and bitter shame,
All their sin I took and canceled
When they called upon my Name.

Now they’re free to live as victors
Free from sin and death and fear,
Partners in my life eternal
With a record pure and clear.

Though the tempter may accuse them,
Seek to fill their minds with doubt,
Nothing stands to block their access –
All their sin is blotted out.

While I live, they’re heirs of heaven,
Kept and guided by my love;
Robed in white they’ll live forever
In their home of light above.

Christina Joy Hommes

Lord, Teach Me

Lord, Teach Me

Lord, Teach Me

Lord, teach me of Jesus
Who died for my sin
Then rose to redeem me
And cleanse me within.

Lord, teach me of Scripture
My treasure and light,
So faithful, enduring,
And changelessly right.

Lord, teach me of heaven
Where glory awaits
Your loved ones who enter
Its beautiful gates.

Lord, teach me the value
Of living for You
With loving devotion
In all that I do.

Lord, teach me to notice
Your work day by day,
Yes, teach me to praise You
And love You, I pray.

Christina Joy Hommes

Just Like the Donkey’s Owner

Just Like the Donkey’s Owner

Just Like the Donkey’s Owner

The man who owned the donkey
That Jesus rode one day
Was full of faith and wisdom
So Christ our Lord could say,

“Just tell the man I need it,
He’ll send it right away.”
And sure enough it happened
As Jesus said that day.

I want to be just like him
So God can say of me:
She’ll do just what I ask her
Whatever that may be.

Christina Joy Hommes