Encouraging Devotional Poems

White As Freshly Fallen Snow

White As Freshly Fallen Snow

White As Freshly Fallen Snow

My heart was red as crimson
With sin and guilt and shame,
But through His death and triumph
My Savior cleared my name.

He took my sinful record
And washed it all away;
His blood has bought my pardon
And makes me clean today.

Now when I sin and fail Him
I come and I confess,
His grace forgives and gives me
His perfect righteousness.

My heart is white and spotless
As freshly fallen snow
Since Jesus came and washed me
Beneath the cleansing flow.

Christina Joy Hommes

Stirred Up

Stirred Up

Stirred Up

Lord, stir my soul from deep within,
Reveal what’s good and cleanse from sin;
Renew my soul to long for You
And hunger for the Scriptures, too.

Revive my spirit with Your grace
To daily run my Christian race,
To learn and do Your will for me
And serve You with humility.

Incline my mind and heart, I pray,
To seek the things above each day
That I might scorn the devil’s lies
And win with joy the lasting prize.

Restore my joy in what You’ve done
In giving us Your only Son;
Ignite a passion to declare
The gospel news with faith and prayer.

Awake my heart to sing Your praise
And worship You through all my days
That, by Your Spirit, Christ may shine
Forever through this life of mine.

Bring truth to mind and help me see
The goodness of Your love for me
That by Your grace my soul might be
Stirred up to live in victory.

Christina Joy Hommes


God’s Love for Me

God’s Love for Me

God’s Love for Me

God’s love for me is boundless –
It’s deeper than the sea
And won’t run out regardless
Of all He does for me.

God’s love for me is endless –
It never fades away.
He’ll always truly love me
Forever and a day.

God’s love for me is changeless –
No matter what I do
He sets His love upon me
Each day again like new.

God’s love for me is selfless –
He died to make me free,
And now I’ve learned to love Him
Because He first loved me.

God’s love for me is priceless –
A gift of grace divine.
Each day I’ll live to praise Him
Whose love is ever mine

Christina Joy Hommes

The LORD hath appeared of old unto me, saying, Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. … God is love;

But God, who is rich in mercy, for His great love wherewith He loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;) … For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

We love Him, because He first loved us. … For the love of Christ constraineth us; because we thus judge, that if one died for all, then were all dead: And that He died for all, that they which live should not henceforth live unto themselves, but unto Him which died for them, and rose again.

(Jeremiah 31:3; 1 John 4:16b; Ephesians 2:4-5; John 3:16; Romans 8:38-39; 1 John 4:19; 2 Corinthians 5:14-15)

The Lord Our God

The Lord Our God

The Lord Our God

The Lord our God is mighty –
Immortal King of kings
Whose glory fills the heavens
As all creation sings.

His strength toward us is gentle,
His tenderness is strong,
While holiness and mercy
To God the Lord belong.

He made us for His glory
To show His skill and love,
His wisdom and His kindness
Are shining from above.

There’s no one else beside Him,
And none can be compared,
For He alone is worthy
Whose glory can’t be shared.

He’s perfect and unchanging
Who reigns in radiant light,
The faithful One whose judgements
Are always pure and right.

His goodness lasts forever,
His mercy will endure,
His promise is unchanging,
His Word is true and sure.

Eternal praise and honor
Belong to God alone;
He asks for love and service –
Come bow before His throne.

Christina Joy Hommes

Let God Write the Story

Let God Write the Story

Let God Write the Story

So often as we walk through life
We want to know the ending;
We want to see it all work out
When things are just beginning.

But God most often doesn’t show
The map of where He’ll lead us;
He simply shows us day by day
The way to live for Jesus.

He knows the end, and that’s enough –
By faith we must believe it;
He’ll give us grace to get us through
If only we’ll receive it.

Like Joseph in the prison cell,
Like Esther – crowned but grieving,
Like John on Patmos, we can’t see
The wonders God is weaving.

So step by step we do God’s will
And let Him write the story,
Till someday, looking back, we see
His wisdom, love, and glory.

Christina Joy Hommes

Whatever Comes This Year

Whatever Comes This Year

Whatever Comes This Year

Whatever lies ahead this year
I face with faith instead of fear
For God my Shepherd guides my way
And walks beside me day by day.

Whatever blessings bring delight
Will be reflections of God’s light,
And I’ll rejoice and look for ways
To lift my heart in thankful praise.

Whatever sorrows pierce my soul,
Whatever billows o’er me roll,
I’ll trust God’s grace will see me through
With strength to cling to what is true.

Whatever needs I have I’ll bring
In trusting prayer before my King,
And then I’ll watch Him work for me
To thank Him for eternity.

Whatever else I find to do,
I’ll search God’s Word and read it through;
I’ll seek to learn about His love
And set my heart on things above.

Whatever comes, whatever goes,
I’ll trust the One who sees and knows.
Lord, help me walk with You this year
In faith and hope and love sincere.

Christina Joy Hommes

New Year Praise

New Year Praise

New Year Praise

I’m looking back on all the things
You’ve done for me this year,
And, Lord, I’m overwhelmed with awe
At grace so real and dear.

Who’d ever think of all the things
You ordered just for me?
And only You are able, Lord,
To work so perfectly.

Though words can’t say the thanks I owe,
I’ll praise You just the same,
And by my actions seek to show
How much I love Your Name.

You never change, You’re always good,
So in the coming year
With eager heart I’ll watch for things
That show You’re always near.

With steadfast hope and strengthened faith
I’ll trust You day by day;
With guiding love and righteous grace
Please keep me in Your way.

Christina Joy Hommes

As Christmas Ends

As Christmas Ends

As Christmas Ends

As Christmastime is ending
With all its festive light,
The trees and all the tinsel
Will sleep a year-long night.

But joy and peace continue
With hope and grace and love;
Goodwill is still extended
From God who reigns above.

Nativities are hidden –
In attics boxed away,
But Jesus stays among us
To guide us day by day.

I love a month for Jesus
To celebrate His birth,
But all year round He’s with us –
That’s why He came to earth.

So as the new year beckons
And Christmas fades from view,
Let’s keep its joyful spirit
And worship all year through.

Christina Joy Hommes

Imagine Christmas

Imagine Christmas

Imagine Christmas

Imagine being Joseph
And looking for a place
To house a pregnant mother
But finding there’s no space.

Imagine being Mary
And laying God’s own Son
Within a rough hewn manger
Wrapped tight in plain homespun.

Imagine you’re a shepherd
While angels gladly tell
That Christ is come to save us,
Our true Emmanuel.

Imagine you’re a wiseman
In search of heaven’s King
And see His childlike interest
In all the gifts you bring.

Imagine seeing Jesus
Who came here just for you
And let the well-known story
Bring joy that’s fresh and new.

Christina Joy Hommes

Together on a Winter Night

Together on a Winter Night

Together on a Winter Night

There’s nothing like a winter night
Around a cozy fire,
While snowflakes fall you’re wrapped up tight
And form a family choir.

While laughter rings and each voice sings
The carols that we love,
We feel the joy that Christmas brings
When God came from above.

The tree-lights shine and every face
Is wreathed with festive smile;
Let cares begone as in their place
We gather for a while.

Let all the warmth of loving cheer
Bring happiness tonight,
For Christ has come and God is near
To fill our hearts with light.

Christina Joy Hommes