Vibrant Hope Ministries – A Place for Spiritual Encouragement
Welcome to a place where you can find spiritual encouragement in your daily walk with God!
Vibrant Hope Ministries – A Place for Spiritual Encouragement
Our core mission is providing encouragement and creating resources that help Christians grow in their walk with the Lord and share His love and truth with others.
The inspiration for the name came from Psalm 1. In verses 2-3, God tells us that the person who delights in His Word and meditates on it day and night will be blessed. He says that person will be like a tree planted by the rivers of waters which consistently bears fruit and whose leaf doesn’t wither.
What You’ll Find from Vibrant Hope Ministries
All the devotional poems and biblical resources from Vibrant Hope Ministries are designed to help you become the type of person God describes in Psalm 1. The reminders and insights you find here will help you get to know God better through His Word and give you ideas for how to live the Bible each day. They’ll give you a fresh perspective on how God is working in your life and encourage and strengthen you as you walk with Him every day. They’ll also provide tools and resources you can use as you encourage, reach, and disciple others.
Whether you’re in a season of blessing or trial, you’ll find encouragement and biblical perspective that will help you enjoy and share the vibrant hope we have in Jesus Christ every day.
If you’d like to receive the weekly encouraging poem and updates about new resources, you can sign up for my emails here.
While you’re here, may you …
“taste and see that the Lord is good” (Psalm 34:8)
“grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18)
“know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God” (Ephesians 3:19)
“let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord” (Colossians 3:16)
“[look] for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13)
“magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt His Name together” (Psalm 34:3)
Favorite Poems
A Thankful Day
Today I’ll have a thankful day
And lift my heart in praise
For all the Lord has done for me
In big and little ways.
For sunny skies and healing rain,
For labor and for rest,
For friends and loved ones near and far –
How richly I’ve been blessed!
Though I may shed a tear or two,
My day will still be bright,
Because a thankful attitude
Makes any day alright.
He’ll Safely Guide Me
The future’s bright before me –
It’s in my Father’s hand,
And He will safely guide me
To heaven’s happy land.
Through storms and in valleys,
Where gentle waters flow,
My Shepherd leads me homeward
Through paths where I should go.
Through days of busy service
And nights where I must rest,
My Master always keeps me
And does whatever’s best.
A Taste of Heaven
Oh, when I’ve had a single taste
Of joy deep in my soul,
Of peace this world can never give
And hope that makes me whole,
When for a moment I have seen
The beauty of the Lord,
Or tasted that the Lord is good
And glimpsed His great reward,
When I have known the Spirit’s strength,
The Father’s comfort sweet,
The calm assurance Christ can give
When faith and patience meet,
Finding Joy
Finding Joy If, when you've lost your joy, you say, "But here's the reason why." You'll always have a new excuse That you can then apply. Today it's what a loved one did, Tomorrow it's a fear, The next day something else will break – More troubles will appear. Then if...
If God Had Led the Easy Way
If God had led the easy way
Which I had thought was best,
I wouldn’t be right here today
And wouldn’t be so blest.
If God had led the easy way
I would have never found
The depths of trust that leans on Him
And nothing else around.
If God had led the easy way
I would have gone astray –
My plans and dreams would not have brought
The joy I have today.
Refreshment for the Soul
Where can I go to be renewed,
Refreshed within my soul?
Where can I go for healing strength
That makes my spirit whole?
Where can I find true hope and joy
And purpose for each day?
Where can I find real peace and rest
Along life’s homeward way?
I go to Christ, my God and Friend,
And find His strength and grace.
For He’s the One I’m living for –
My hope and hiding place.
I’ll Praise My God
I'll Praise My God I'll praise the Lord for who He is, I'll praise my God for what He's done, I'll praise Him for His gift of love In giving me His precious Son. What He has been I know He'll be – The God of all eternity Who changes not because He is Perfection in...
Psalm 105:1-4
Psalm 105:1-4 Oh let us thank the Lord For all the things He's done And who He is – the mighty God Who is compared to none. Sing praises to His Name And tell His mighty deeds That all may hear His wondrous works And how He kindly leads. Rejoice in who He is And...
Let’s Begin the Praise
Let’s Begin the Praise God doesn’t always answer The questions that we ask Or give an explanation When He assigns a task, But this is not a reason To doubt His loving hand Or think He’s not controlling What we don’t understand. His thoughts are far above us – We...